Greetings! My name is Amy and I have lived in beautiful Bellingham, WA for over 30 years. I am an artist, educator, and musician. I have a deep affinity towards people, animals, the Arts, science, nature, philosophy, and all other humanitarian subjects. Video
As an active "creative", I am perpetually learning and am eager to share all newfound information and techniques. I truly love teaching and I welcome the opportunity to teach a variety of subjects to any person, of any age, at any skill level – this includes helping parents become skilled educators.
I am offering specialized Pod Classes
for families during the 2020-21 school year Available Schedule
I have vast experience working with all types of personalities and skill levels.
I have a Masters Degree in Education and am currently certified to teach K-12 in Washington State.
Each Pod will be customized to meet your family's specific educational needs.
Meeting State and
Local Educational Standards
-Adhere to organizational policies and procedures, the Washington Administrative Codes (WAC’s), and the Early Achievers guidelines and requirements.
-Observe and evaluate children’s performance, behavior, social development and physical health per Washington State Standards (including IEP documentation).
Making Learning
Fun and Relevant
-Plan, prepare materials and implement a variety of activities within a safe and fun environment.
-Adjust curriculum to adapt to a student's curiosity.
-Create an engaging learning climate while employing relevant themes for individual development and success.
Adapting to
Individual Needs
-Promote the physical, mental and social development in youth consistent with state and local educational missions and priority outcome areas.
-Adapt teaching methods and instructional materials to meet student’s varying learning styles and interests.
the Arts into
Every Subject
-Visualize and understand Math, English and Science concepts through the use of illustrations.
-Create songs to help memorize facts.
- Recreate historical events through acting and social challenges through role playing.
-Engage in periodic physical activities including breathing exercises, dance, balancing and stretching.